Tuesday, February 5, 2013


so i've been doing a lot of HTC's banners lately and here's a few of em that's big enough to post here.

this is the one X campaign, it shows different characters of the HTC users and also the awesome features from the phone which is as usual camera-design-audio..

this is the HTC one-s campaign ... same content different approach though..


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Press Room

This was unpublished project from HTC .. the objective was to promote HTC through journalists.. so we made a microsite for them to win prizes from HTC.
here they can have their own press ID and office room where they can tag their location of a press conference or any news related events and they can upload their pictures into their gallery.

they were also can choose the HTC phone for them to experience virtually.. and sometimes will give updates about the events or happenings around the user location

 well in the end this project was discarded due to insufficient budget (or so i thought it was)


Sunday, February 3, 2013

another KitKat illustration

so they want another one.. :D